martedì 29 novembre 2011

Free Verse Poem








Free Verse Poem

Old Man

His head feels like a fog
     covered window breaking
in a cascade of white

across the sticky floor
     of the two room apartment
he calls his rasping breaths. 

sabato 26 novembre 2011

Poem in Iambic Tetrameter

I plant my flower just to watch it grow

its leaves curling slowly in the rain
each petal smiling up sadly:
(pink and rosy for the blue eyed moon)
and slipping slowly through the mud

blood dripping down its white stigma
(to a spot where a touch burns red)
its lowest leaf curling in the sun
once penetrated as a seed;

his world shifting from light to dark,
stars flashing in the sky (still shy
with blurry ovule) its broken
thoughts curling slowly for the night. 

venerdì 25 novembre 2011

Free Verse

A Prayer for Happiness

If I could live like a stone
lying in the shallows, waves slipping
over me. If I could live
never looking back into the sunset

the light catching my hands
and illuminating them against the sand.

If I could live like a candle
burning slowly in an old ghostly room
reflecting only the shadows
of girls with blue eyes and white breasts.

If I had laid myself on a towel
to talk to a sad whisp of air that blew
like dust through my small cold fingers
catching the slowly cracking vase
I call my gently drowning memory.  

sabato 19 novembre 2011

Free Verse

This Girl

this girl’s eyes glance like stones
across my small pale room
filled only with a bed
covered by sky blue sheets
and the perfume of a woman
whose fingers played silly games
through my long wet hair.

this girl’s hands are cold
mirrors reflecting the full moon
that settles like a cracked light bulb
on my fragile scarred arm
lines running from wrist to elbow
through a fifty pound childhood
that hangs around my neck in a pouch
as i hike from corner to corner.

this girl’s tongue tastes like oranges
left on the table to rot
the smell drifting to my bed
reminding me of wintery mornings
and sheets that i never washed.

this girl lies beside me and i look
up at the silhouette on the ceiling
slowly changing in shape
and washing against the shore
of a woman whose picture’s on my mind.  

Free Verse

In a Moment it Seems

I watch a fuming child
walk from the room, her hair
falling slowly across her face

in a gentle way
                  and I want to laugh
but I keep it inside, pushing
my teeth behind my lips
and letting them rest —

a small drop of blood
rolling down my protruding chin. 

martedì 15 novembre 2011

Free Verse

Freddie Freeloader

i smoke and listen to jazz
           under starry nights aching
for loneliness like a flower
       lying in my palm
where all the pretty blondes wait
            for me to drag my eyes
from heroin infested ditches
            filled with beetles crawling
and fucking through the empty ears
       of lost recovering soldiers
hearing Miles Davis: da-dum da-dum
     in cool air conditioned rooms. 

Free Verse

People Draw Out

a man with lanky fingers
looking at the wall
his moist blue eyes
turning in circles
and spinning out into space
to burst into an oak –
flames licking the rim
of his white t-shirt.

a girl staring at the tiles
and a white blank page
sitting on her desk
her hair falling slowly
across her silhouette
and her thoughts dripping
into puddles on the floor.

two kids running
with bubble gum and beer
bottles floating in the sea
waiting for the sun
to get his toys in one bowl
so he can run in the rain
and bring them gifts
forged from medieval stone.

domenica 13 novembre 2011

Free Verse

stone child

one long night lying
                  completely motionless
under the covers
watching the fan turn
round and round and round

until it stops still –

the air growing bitter
and a shadow crawling up
through the open window

martedì 8 novembre 2011

Free Verse

A Man Who Lived too Long

For each word he speaks
a leaf falls from his tongue

catching syllables

and speckles of powder
left from a morning

hidden by the moon
and dropped


from his broken tree

until it collapses
like rockpo(e)ms against

a blank white page
filled by autumns milky

swaying evening light. 

lunedì 7 novembre 2011


A Poet Stumbling in Circles

In a field full of daisies (I lie
to ask a question full of thorns,
blood dripping slowly (all the way
down my thumb) until it rests

to ask a question full of thorns
(a bit like death) falling half drunk
down my thumb until I rest
inside warmth (starting to look

a bit like death falling half drunk
in a field full of daisies. I lie
inside warmth (starting to look)
blood dripping (slowly) all the way. 

Free Verse

At A Party at a House Round the Corner

I write my poems in white verse
and let them slowly fall
into this jumble of small uneven
love letters and incoherent words
masked only by my attempt
to get stoned in a silently painted
room with the walls playing
me jazz and stilted Chopin
until my ears have turned red
with the blood of a handkerchief
left in a woman’s bathroom to dry
and forgotten for three drunken weeks
until I returned with some punctuation
and let it slip slowly into the darkness
of a curled junky sleeping sunrise. 

giovedì 3 novembre 2011


Beneath the Surface

There is a face, the water lapping gracefully
across her brow, wintry and bitter with frost,
her hair blowing gently around her eyes
now milky with death, the sand in her pockets
feeding the fish on the ocean floor.

I stand above her, turning slowly to the moon
my hands shaking as time walks on, oysters
waiting for too long, the cold in my shoulders
spreading gradually to the blank white sky.

I walk from her, allowing the sun
to die in my hands, the memory imprinting
itself on my wrists. I should be rigid,
trapped beneath the surface; frigid and watching
the spiral of the stars as they fall through her lungs. 

Free Verse Poem

As I Walk Through Venice

I smell the perfumes
                                   of oranges and salt,
small speckles of stone 
                                       sanded by hand.
The dust gathers on the ground;
                        moldy and ancient. Lemons
drip slowly down
                            through the soft wet fingers
of an woman of eighty years,
                     her flesh growing cold
and drifting on water
                                   through the canals

                                    Small specks of lilies
drift like sunspots
        among banana peels and reflections
of a moon with mango flavored
                                                   thoughts; a sweet
and a sour rose  
                           wandering off to sea.                     

mercoledì 2 novembre 2011

Free Verse Poem

I’ll Keep You in a Butterfly Jar

like a light bulb, floating
through space     (fragile and turning
on and off)      Click     Click –

whispering softly in the night
Click     Click (yet I speak silence) –
Click     Click      i turned you green
over the rotten fields

burning with the sun of god mumbling:

(it’s macabre showering in germany) –

and ClickClick:      my finger turns you
down (shit floating in the canals)(ah
the beauty of venezia)     and

ClickClick     your heels on the floor
of my room      camminano (my hair is long
and I need the blank papered doctor
man with his bang bang shoot em’ up
destiny).      ClickClick (mrs brown)

did i turn the shadows back on?

Poem in Hexameter

Soft Pictures on the Wall

and two eyes blinking brown
across those moonlit fields
where I ran as a boy

trying to catch small bugs;
orbs of light in my hands
dancing nobly to jazz

and singing dusty songs
that floated through my ears
gliding above the moon

like half cut images
of blue girls I have known
and sunsets I have drawn.

I slowly let them fall
into their frozen beds –
while I lie drenched in the night